The Secret Sauce to Email Deliverability

Picture this: You've just crafted the perfect email for your future customers. You hit send, confident it'll land right in their Primary Inbox. But what if your beautifully written email ends up in the spam folder? It's like sending a love letter and having it end up in the trash bin—unseen and unappreciated. That's where we come in. Advocate isn't just a maestro of hyper-personalized outreach; we're your email's personal bodyguard, ensuring it gets delivered to the right place. Let's dive in!

Your Email's Credit Score

Ever heard of email sender reputation? Think of it as your email's credit score. The better the score, the more likely it is that your email will get past the bouncer (the Email Service Provider or ESP) and make it to the VIP section (the inbox). If your score takes a dive, your email might end up in the spam folder, or worse, blocked entirely. And who wants that?


Dodging the Spam Folder

Sending too many emails from one account is like shouting through a megaphone non-stop. It's annoying and it's not human. The same goes for bounce rates. Imagine throwing a ball at a wall that doesn't exist. Weird, right? That's what it's like emailing non-existent addresses.

And spam complaints? They're like Yelp reviews for your emails. Too many bad reviews, and you're not getting any new customers. Then there are spam traps, the Internet's version of a mousetrap. Step on one of these by emailing a spam trap address, and you're going to feel the sting.

Lastly, if your emails are as engaging as a lecture on paint drying, ESPs won't be too thrilled. Low engagement is a no-no. And don't even get us started on sharing an IP or domain with a bunch of email rogues. Guilt by association is a thing, folks!


Cranking Up Your Email Reputation

Now, let's talk about how we at Advocate help you strut your stuff in the ESP club.

Volume Control: We set up a multitude of email accounts, each sending a human level of emails. Think of it as a choir, with each member singing in harmony. We rotate between these accounts using our cutting-edge Inbox Rotation, making your email sending pattern look as natural as a flock of birds flying south for the winter.

The Magic of Spintax: Spintax is like a wardrobe change for your emails. It's a programming trick that subtly varies phrases in your email content—for example, starting different emails with 'hey', 'hi', or 'hello'. This keeps our outreach fresh and avoids sounding robotic, with just the right touch of unpredictability.

Bounce No More: We're the bouncers for your bouncers. By cleaning and validating email addresses before we reach out, we keep your bounce rate lower than a limbo stick at a beach party.

Warming Up the Inbox: For every cold email, we send a companion - a warming email. These are friendly messages delivered to an AI, which responds and marks them as important. This strategy enhances your domain's credibility and improves engagement rates with ESPs. It's like pairing your snowball with a cup of hot cocoa, ensuring your emails are welcomed, not just received.

Domain Diversification: We spread your outbound emails across a bunch of domains, like seeds in a garden. If one plant wilts, the rest of your garden stays lush and green.

Avoiding Spam Traps: And finally, we use global blocklist protection to avoid spam traps. That's like having a secret map that shows where all the mousetraps are.

So, there you have it. With Advocate, your email outreach is like a homing pigeon that never misses its mark. It's all about getting your startup in front of those future customers.

Want to chat about how we can make that happen together? Connect with our team and let’s start the conversation.


The Art of The Warm, Cold Email: Putting the Recipient First